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Weight Control

Do you want to lose weight? Have you tried numerous diets & lost weight only to stop dieting & regained all the weight or even more? Dieting is a multi-million pound industry in the UK, relying solely on will power, yet it is said that only ‘2% of dieters gain lasting results from diets’. The National Audit Office cites Britain as the most obese in Europe, with two thirds of men & half of all women either overweight or obese.

Hypnotherapy is very useful for addressing psychological factors such as lack of confidence, anxiety or depression, which can play a big part in weight gain. If you comfort eat or binge eat, or have unhealthy eating patterns you would like to change, hypnotherapy can help.

Weight control with hypnotherapy is not about deprivation or will power, but rather a shift in attitude towards food & a lifestyle change, which could be the difference between achieving or not achieving your goal.

It is a natural, safe, method which has been very successful in helping people establish healthy eating patterns & lose weight.

Caring, professional Hypnotherapy sessions are available with
Marilyn Harvey on the numbers below:

Mobile: 07903 374 113
Tel: 020 8357 0981

Email: mharvey@londonhypnotherapy.net

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